The deportation of Salwan Momika, the Iraqi asylum seeker who has committed multiple acts of Quran burning in Sweden must be stopped immediately.

The Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) has announced that they will not extend the residence permit for Salwan Momika, the Iraqi refugee who has repeatedly burned the Quran in Sweden, and he will be required to return to Iraq after his current residence permit expires. In essence, this decision means nothing by cooperation to death sentence for Quran burning in Islam stricken countries in the middle east.

In many Islam stricken countries, citizens are officially executed by the government for blasphemy, criticism of Islam, creating protesting musics, drawing cartoons, and even going unveiled. Therefore, the expulsion of someone with the profile of Salwan Momika from Sweden can be seen as an obvious example of executing someone for blasphemy and can be recognised as a cooperating act between the Swedish Migration Agency and the Islamic regime’s machinery of death in the Middle East.

The Central Committee of Ex Muslims in Scandinavia, while condemning the actions that have made Swedish society unsafe, strongly condemn Salwan Momika’s expulsion and calls on all responsible authorities to reconsider their decision.

Central Committee of Ex Muslims in Scandinavia

October, 2023


av Milad

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